The Italian Language Course for Tourists offers a comprehensive and structured program to improve students' language skills. The lessons cover key topics such as adjectives, pronouns, verbs, and invariable parts of speech, providing a solid grammatical foundation. Students will engage in practical exercises related to logical analysis and the syntax of complex sentences, helping them develop critical thinking and a deeper understanding of the language. Additionally, the course includes text comprehension activities, useful for refining reading and interpretation skills, making the process of learning Italian an engaging and stimulating experience.


By the end of the course, students will be able to:

  • Correctly use adjectives, pronouns, and verbs in different contexts.
  • Understand and apply punctuation and syntax rules in writing.
  • Analyze complex sentences and produce clear and coherent texts.
  • Perform logical analysis exercises to refine their critical skills.
  • Develop text comprehension skills to handle written content in Italian.


This course is aimed at students who wish to learn Italian at an intermediate level. No specific prior knowledge is required.


The course is taught completely in Italian by Professor Vito S., a university lecturer at the University of Bari and a literary critic.

The course allows for quick and effective learning thanks to a teaching methodology that combines clear exposition and in-depth exploration of topics. The multimedia and interactive lessons capture students' attention, enabling immediate assimilation of concepts and providing solid preparation to reach their educational goal.

The course includes:

  • A brief initial knowledge check test to be taken only at the first course access.
  • Recorded video lessons.
  • Downloadable study materials that complement and deepen the content explained in the video lessons.
  • Self-assessment quizzes (multiple-choice tests) to continuously monitor one's learning progress.
  • A final course questionnaire (multiple-choice) for assessing the acquired knowledge.

After successfully completing the questionnaire, students can download a certificate of competence to recognize their acquired knowledge and course attendance.

The course can be followed from any internet-connected device (PC, tablet, smartphone, with system requirements for access detailed in our Terms and Conditions), at any time of day, as the platform is available 24/7, and from any location.

The course fee includes the above-mentioned elements. Furthermore, if the company decides to enhance the course with additional learning materials (video lessons, study materials, self-assessment tests), these will not incur any extra cost for those already enrolled in our courses.

For further information and assistance, please contact us. For our cancellation, withdrawal, and refund policies, refer to our Terms and Conditions.


Taking our course offers several advantages, including:

  • Optimization of training: By minimizing the time spent on learning, the process becomes more efficient, thanks to immediate access to content with a simple click.
  • Effective learning: Through the interactivity of the e-learning platform with videos and animations that capture the student's attention, and the ability to revisit lessons as needed. Additionally, students can create a personalized learning path by selecting which videos to follow based on their goals.
  • Spatial flexibility: With e-learning training, preparation, studying, and learning can happen anywhere, avoiding unnecessary time loss and reducing travel costs.
  • Time flexibility: a) By eliminating travel time, students have more available hours for actual learning. b) Students can break their study sessions as needed, without wasting too much time. c) The course rhythm can be adapted to each student's learning speed, allowing for breaks between lessons to assimilate concepts and reflect.
  • Quick information retrieval: Watching a video is undoubtedly faster than reading a written manual.
  • Encouraging autonomous learning: With 24/7 access to the platform, students can freely organize their study sessions.


Accredited by the Ministry of Education and Merit (D.D. n. 1365 of August 7, 2023) for the training of school staff and by the Coordinated System for the Promotion of "Creativity Topics" with the Ministry of Culture (D.D. n. 558 of May 4, 2023). It holds the following certifications: Quality Management System Certification according to UNI EN ISO 9001:2015; UNI ISO 29993 for non-formal training services and UNI ISO 29994 for e-learning services, issued by CSQA, an Accredia-accredited certification body. It is officially included in the National Research Register (ANR) established by the Ministry of University and Research, and in the EU Interest Representatives Register. It is a member of UNI – the Italian standardization body, in relation to training for new professionals as per Law 4/2013, and adheres to quality standards issued by the Italian standardization body to offer excellent training that meets the needs and demands of professionals, businesses, work, and public administration.

Discover all our official recognitions on the "Accreditations" page.

Contenuti del corso
  • Lezione 1 - Gli aggettivi 16.1 Minuti
  • Lezione 2 - I pronomi 25 Minuti
  • Lezione 3 - I verbi (parte I) 19.3 Minuti
  • Lezione 4 - I verbi (parte II) 31.25 Minuti
  • Lezione 5 - Le parti invariabili del discorso (avverbi, preposizioni, congiunzioni, interiezioni) 36.35 Minuti
  • Lezione 6 - La punteggiatura 25.25 Minuti
  • Lezione 7 - La sintassi della frase complessa 20 Minuti
  • Analisi del periodo - Esercitazione (parte I) 38.25 Minuti
  • Analisi del periodo - Esercitazione (parte II) 19.3 Minuti
  • Analisi del periodo - Esercitazione (parte III) 41.1 Minuti
  • Lezione 8 - L'analisi logica (parte I) 34.4 Minuti
  • Lezione 9 - L'analisi logica (parte II) 35.25 Minuti
  • Lezione 10 - L'analisi logica (parte III) 22.15 Minuti
  • Analisi logica - Esercitazione 47.05 Minuti
  • Lezione 11 - Comprensione del testo (parte I) 37.45 Minuti
  • Lezione 12 - Comprensione del testo (parte II) 21.1 Minuti

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Italfor Srl

  • Via A. Gusmai, 5
  • 76125 Trani (Bt)
  • P. IVA: 07887220726
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